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Zaterdag 27 juli 2024 |
Hoofdredactie: Marc De Koninck |
Uitgever: Yriver Web Design | Prijs: gratis!
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Leven & Liefde | 2024

So Twice

Platenhoes So Twice


You make my day a double day You make my day so sweet The way you untrouble it Thus double it You make my day complete Of a million of numbers I least like the 1 Instead of a single thing I prefer none Of a zillion of numbers I go for the two Meaning my darling I’m going for you You make my night a double night You make my night too fine The thrill you intensify Thus multiply You make my night divine In all ten digits there’s only one jewel Referring to anything double or dual Alluding my dear to the single thing true Prime is the sum of me and you You make my life a double life You make my life so nice It’s beauty you celebrate Thus replicate You make my life so twice You make my day a double day You make my day so sweet The way you untrouble it Thus double it You make my day complete You make my night a double night You make my night too fine The thrill you intensify Thus multiply You make my night divine You make my life a double life You make my life so nice It’s beauty you celebrate Thus replicate You make my life so You make my life so You make my life so twice

Tekst en muziek: Marc De Koninck
Copyright: © 2024

Platenhoes So Twice

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Eerdere reacties:

Martha Walder schreef op za 13 apr 2024 om 16:59 uur
Dear Marc, Just remember all the years the 4 of us spent one way or another, loving MUSIC! And here you are still making it and I'm still listening to it! You old Singer Song Writer! Love the lyrics. Bet Lia does too. Hugs, Marty p.s. I'll reciprocate with a poem. If you'd like (be honest now).
lia van der Vliet schreef op ma 4 mrt 2024 om 17:25 uur
Do you sing this song twice? That would be so very very nice!!

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